14 February 2006

Thrawn Trilogy

Halfway thru Outbound Flight. Loved the way Zahn builds up Thrawn's character. In fact, I started off reading the star wars novels with his Thrawn Trilogy. I still rate these as the best of the novels on the expanded universe.
No wonder the mad Jedi clone Joorus C'baoth was crazy with power. Because the template used for cloning him ie Jedi Master Jorus was an arrogant man. Add stubborness into the equation and you have a Count Dooku wannabe.

With Anakin and Obi Wan thrown in the adventure and another Emperor's Hand moving the chess pieces to destroy the Outbound Flight, the star wars universe all fall into place.


Comments on "Thrawn Trilogy"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (17 February, 2006 12:07) : 

Ya Ampunn...Ini pon dibuatnya Blog? Sanggup seh..
Guess who...


Blogger ... said ... (17 February, 2006 20:00) : 

sapa lagi yang suka cakap ya ampun.

bole jangan komen banyak tak. nak baca, baca heh. nsk komen, pegi anta straits times. :))


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