18 April 2007

Another Titanium Question

Sandtroopers: I really love the Titanium line, however the recent increase in repaints scares me into thinking that Hasbro "may" be running low on ship ideas. I would love to see the inclusion of more video game/comic/cartoon vehicles (i.e. TIE Hunter, Outrider, and more specifically the TX-130, AT-XT, and the much beloved Torrent Starfighter). I think these would be welcome additions and breathe much needed diversity to the line. Has Hasbro thought of including more non-film vehicles as opposed to repaints?

Hasbro: The problem with this model is that these ships are less iconic and (we think) will probably have less demand and appeal, and at the same time Titanium vehicles are expensive to develop and tool up. So while we would like to explore some of these options, the best balance for the line will be a continued focus on the most reognizable vehicles with a measured entry into some of the others like the ones you mention.


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