14 December 2006

Tempest : 2nd revelation

Remember the last step that Jacen had to accomplish to become a Sith Master.
He will immortalize his love
It's something about sacrificing a loved one or ones.

Jacen was mulling over this presuming that Allana, his daughter, and even Tenel Ka would be the ultimate sacrifice. But in the book, when Han and Leia was assumed to be involved in the assassination attempt of Tenel Ka and Allana, he was contemplating this in his mind;
... He was beginning to feel almost relieved. Maybe Allana was not the sacrifice Lumiya was talking about. Maybe his parents were what he would be required to surrender, and maybe their deaths would not be a coldhearted act of betrayal after all.
And a few moments later signed off a GAG warrant of arrest/detain for his parents.


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