14 January 2007

Tidal wave of Titaniums

More good news from Hasbro. This time from ActionFigs ...

ActionFigs: With the onslaught of Titaniums Series 3" vehicles lately (5 waves hit stores from beginning of October to end of November) are there less vehicles per wave being produced or are they just moving that fast? Also, will there be refreshes of these waves for collectors that missed them when they were briefly on shelves?

Hasbro: There are not fewer vehicles per wave, in fact, they are just moving that fast. There generally are at least 4 vehicles per wave but most average 5 or 6. Unfortunately there will not be refreshes per say but you may see one of the vehicles you may have missed later in the year. Happy hunting!

Okay ... I have to scrounge up more dough and figure how to store/display them in the near future. No biggie. No refreshes thats bad and good in a way, cause they will not clogged up valuable shelf space or pegs. So hopefully the vehicles that Hasbro are putting back to retail would be the ones that I'm missing now.


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