25 June 2006

Review : LOTF : Betrayal (part 1)

I think I have to separate this review into 2 parts because there's a lot to write. So to start off, I'll write about some light hearted scenes / quotes found in the book, especially to fanboys of the 6 films;

When Han suggested that C3P0 remove his millions of language & interpretation functions so that 3P0 can calculate some analytical process faster, C3P0 retorted that he might turn more aggressive ....... like becoming more sarcastic and verbally abusive. Well, 3P0's interpretation of aggressive is always "extreme" to say the least ... hahahaha!

Then, there was a scene where Han wanted Luke's help by saying "Save me Luke Skywalker, you're my only hope". Mimicking Leia's plea in A New Hope to Obi-Wan Kenobi .... that was funny.

Another reference to the film was when Leia said that it was Han who shot first. This was when a group of assassins barged into their rooms. The sound bite was a dig at Lucas who had to change the cantina shooting scene to show it was Han who shot Greedo first.

A funny scene happened when Luke tried to infiltrate back to Corellia. He went in through customs as an actor-impersonator of Luke Skywalker...yes, that's right ... as Himself. You think that’s incredulous ... read on. Somehow, the security officer doesn't think Luke looks like Luke – JediMaster / WarHero on the account of him being too short to impersonate the Original Luke. Go figure. So there he was, pride-driven, trying to convince the security officer that he can be a Luke Skywalker.

The next part coming up soon.


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