27 September 2006

Review : LOTF : Bloodlines (part1)

I’ve finished Bloodlines and frantically writing this review. Sorry if some of the words doesn’t make sense. Swamped with other stuff right now. This is spoilers packed, you have been forewarned.

Bloodlines; another apt title for the 2nd book of the Legacy series.

Lineage is now the talking point for this book. Fett’s leadership to the Mandalorian people whilst being not in touch to the culture himself is in question. His search for his own daughter Ailynn gets him close to being dead.

Then, there’s Jacen accepting the inevitability of becoming the Sith Lord; in his words, it’s for the good of the galactic universe. Hmmm ... where have we heard that before? … ahhh yes, Vader. Thus Jacen ultimately follows in his grandfather’s footsteps. In this 2nd book, he kills his 2nd victim unnecessarily and it happens to be Fett’s long lost daughter. Oooo ... this is getting good.

Han and Leia, sort of disowns him for that. Jacen, who becomes the commanding officer for Rogue group puts Jaina under court marshall for not following his orders in shooting an armed civilian vessel fleeing from the DMZ.

13yr old Ben, Luke’s only son, is now Jacen’s padawan and unknowingly being groomed to become a Sith apprentice. Mara and Luke realises Jacen's transformation but is unable to rein Jacen down. They try their very best to get their son to return to the academy for proper Jedi training.

In the warfront, Correllia is under siege by the Galactic Alliance. Coruscant is under martial law for non-Coruscanti. Strikes and riots are rife on Coruscant, egged on my dissidents. Terrorist are being weedded out by secret police headed by of course, Jacen again ... in the name of justice and the good of the majority sentiments.


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