01 July 2007

Al about the books

There are 2 book news but I will only present one of them.

The sequel to the Darth Bane duology has a name! It is called The Rule of Two. Simple and iconic to the Sith doctrine. Errr ... still trying to find the paperback of the 1st book. I can't believe it hasn't arrive here yet after 2 weeks of searching.

The second news was to be the back cover of the next book in the Legacy of the Force series, Inferno. It contains spoilers/revelations from the present book out now that is Sacrifice. But since I haven't read that book or rather still trying to find it in good ol Singapore, I will have to delay putting up the cover page so as not to spoil my own reading. Sorry chaps. You want to know about the cover, please click on this link.


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