05 March 2006

Review : Empire 5 Allies and Adversaries

3 stories in this paperback.

The bravery of being out of range
First story is about taking sides in the galactic civil war. Sitting on the fence is never an option. What I can say is the drawing & colouring was excellent. Story wise was good because of the twist at the end of the story. Point to note, I've never seen better tantalising depiction of the female form in the star wars comics universe before this tale. Is this an adult comic or for the younger generation?

Idiot's array
This story is about a side trip by Han and Chewie. Tired of being cooped up with the rebels whilst trying to find a homebase, Han "volunteered" for a supply run. He met with old "friends" and foes and managed to flee with his life, again. I didn't like the story because it adds nothing. Chewie was sometimes drawn badly. The only saving grace was the appearance of Darth Vader at the end.

"General" Skywalker
I liked this story because it introduces a clone trooper to the rebellion era. First time this happening, I think. Whilst on a eavesdropping mission on a desolate planet, the recce group was ambushed by a detachment of Imperial stormtroopers. Helped by an old clone trooper, they managed to flee. But a continuity question arises, aren't clonetrooper's life expectancy limited.

Overall, 2/3 makes this tpb a good read.


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