14 April 2006

Review : Clone Wars vol 8

In this paperback, lies and truth become so muddled, you wouldn't know who's right and who's wrong. The question of whether the ends justify the means is stamped across every page of this series.

The battle of Saleucami becomes the stage for this episode. Our dark jedi, Quinlan Vos, is now very far in the murky waters of the dark side. In his personal (obsession) hunt of finding the 2nd Sith, he tested the boundaries of the dark. And in the end, the true nature of Quinlan Vos is revealed. Sorry, no spoilers will be revealed.

I kind of like this series on Quinlan Vos. I would say, his life is more tragic than Anakin. The storyline was great, with twist and turns and revelations. I'll give it 5/5.


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