08 May 2006

Watched ROTJ ... again

I watched Return of the Jedi, again last weekend. So that would be the nth + 1 time, I've watched that episode. Nope, I didn't take the box out. My son was in his Star Wars moods and wanted to watched the battle of Endor, again.

After having watched it a few times and the whole 6-story saga, I still wonder on a few things that just doesn't add up.

I'm still puzzled when Vader and Luke were duelling fiercely, their sabers did not cut some of the railings or stuff around them?

Like why did Hayden (Anakin before turning dak side) appeared at the last ghost reunion scene? The rest (Yoda and Obi Wan) learnt the "ghost trick" from Qui Gon's spirit prior to the end of ROTS (ep 3), so when did Anakin learnt to do this?
Or when Lucas added in the chanting "Son of Suns" in the special edition, ok it was in reference to Luke living on Tattoine which has twin suns but still why/how would people in Coruscant or the other places knew him and his background that well? He was with the rebellion anyhow. Why the big adulation?


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