30 November 2006

Tempest : 1st revelation

One of the more interesting revelations in this 3rd installment of the Legacy series was the character called Nashtah. The drammatis personae simply descibes her as a Humanoid Assassin.

However, deeper in the book when Han and Leia first met her. Leia quipped;

" ... the pasty-skinned youth ... With a slim beardless face and a bald head ... His eyes were dark and sunken, his nose as straight as a knife, his mouth a small, ruby-lipped gash."
"... revealing a bushy topknot ..."

And Leia telling Han.

"... she's older than you are."
"She's Force-sensitive."

To all those not in the know, this can only describe one person. A jedi assassin in fact and she made an appearance in EP1 Phantom Menace. She's the one on a cliff balcony, observing Anakin podracing in the Boonta Eve. She appears on the 2nd round of the race, I think.

SW fans know this Jedi assassin as Aurra Sing. Here's how she looked.


28 November 2006

Legacy of the Force : Tempest

I've got my hands on Tempest. The 3rd book on the Legacy of the Force series. I bought it from the friendly bookstore that I frequent to, to get my dose of Star Wars lore and got a $2 discount for my effort. Not bad ehh.

Looking at the drammatis personnae, I can't feel but wonder why Ben is now tagged junior GAG (Galactic Alliance Guard) member and not a Jedi padawan. And I am still reeling with shock that Jagged Fel is now a BOUNTY HUNTER! I have this feeling that this book will be fun read.

Review coming up when I finished the book. Honest.


27 November 2006

The Last of the Ultras ... for now

I've finally hunted down the elusive Ultra At-At after 1.5 months of search.

It looks really nice after unpacking it. And to hold it in your hands was even better. Here's the pics.



Zoomed In


26 November 2006

2007 Titanium series wave?

Rebelscum has announced a rumour of what their spies have uncovered. This is what they found.

What's next for the Titanium Series line in 2007? Here's what our spies have uncovered:

Star Wars
  1. Firespray Interceptor
  2. Imperial Attack Cruiser
  3. Jabba's Sail Barge
  4. Luke's Snowspeeder

Battlestar Galactica
  1. Classic Cylon Raider
  2. Battlestar Pegasus

No word yet on any official release dates, but stay tuned. You never know when more info may turn up on the holonet.

But looking through the SW list, it sounds bad. And this is what I commented in the SW forum;

Isn't that what the Slave1 is ...

Imperial Attack Cruiser??
We already have the Republic Attack Cruiser aka Venator-class SDs, so what the heck is an Imperial Attack Cruiser, the Victory-class SDs ...

Luke's Snowspeeder??
Maybe it's the battle-damaged one, you know the one that was flattened by the At-At ...

This news sounds fishy ... hopefully it is coded and the type of vehicles stand for something else.

Too lazy to write more, but they were my feelings ... hahaha. On the flip side, those Battlestar Galactica series looks mighty fine.


25 November 2006

Shadows 2?

Shadows of the Empire was a SW multimedia spectacle.

As the official site put it;
It was the first time fans and collectors were able to purchase a Star Wars novelization, action figures, vehicles, card sets, a video game, comic books, roleplaying game supplements, and even a soundtrack -- all based on a story without a movie.

Well, Jedinet blog has an interesting angle to this sudden writeup by the official site and another blog writeup of this cross media story telling.

Hmmm ... by not going into much of both articles, I would really love another SOTE type of event. Notable characters that were fleshed out from the storyline were Prince Xizor and Dash Rendar.


24 November 2006

New Essential Guide to Alien Species

I was walking around MPH, to see whether the Darth Bane hardcover is out already. If it was, I could then read a few pages of it and really make up my mind on buying it once and for all. Yes, yes, I'm still undecided .... hahaha. And also because the next Legacy book, Tempest is still a month wait, I'm getting a withdrawal syndrome of not having a dose of the Star Wars lore injected into me.

Nope, no Bane, sithspawn! But, I found the next best thing. It's the New Essential Guide to Alien Species sourcebook... woo hoo! I didn't even know it was out.

After scanning a few pages, I can absolutely say that I'm really excited on reading this guidebook. The drawings are fresh and the articles on the each species looks interesting.


22 November 2006

Review : Empire 6 In the Shadows of their Fathers

This must have been the fastest read for me, ever. I liked, sailed through the 70 odd pages of the TPB in 1 night. Not because it was engrossing but more to find out if there was more to the story. I finished the collection days ago but only found time to write this today.

Do you want the rating first or a review?

I'll put you out of your misery, this tpb I give 1 of 5 stars. Its bad, storyline was abysmal, everything else was nothing to hype about.

It continues the Jabiim storyline of Anakin's era into Luke's period. In the tpb, Clone Wars vol 3 Last Stand on Jabiim, Anakin has abandoned the planet after giving so much hope to its freedom fighters in their hour of need against a separatist invasion. Although the order was not of his own, the Jabiimi people placed all abandonement of hope on Anakin, the Jedi who would and could have led them to victory against the separatist.

Some 20 years later, after the victory at Yavin, Leia brings a small convoy to rally the Jabiimi's to the rebels' cause, to unite as one against the Empire. But, the Jabiimis, now with resentment in heir hearts and bitter to any outsiders help, refused to be allies. And the situation becomes worse when they found out that the seed of Anakin, ie Luke is amongst them. From here onwards, it gets bad.

And the act of redemption for Luke to turn the Jabiimi rebels to forgive Anakin's past was a bit too weak in my opinion. Just because Luke insisted to repel away an Empires' invasion force, which really came to nought anyways since the Empire subjugated all the Jabiimi people into slavery and blasted the planet surface to smithereens in the end, Luke was "let off", just like that. Duhhh!!! lame, lame, lame ...

And the alien species,Tiss'shar looked just like the Ssiruuvi from The Truce at Bakura. Can't they think of any other species to be drawn in?


19 November 2006

More hopeful news by Hasbro

Looks like the Titanium series is going EU ... well here's hoping anyway. Here's a piece of news from Hasbro's weekly Q&A from Actionfigure website.

Any chance of getting a TIE Defender, Moldy Crow, or other Expanded Universe vehicles? EU figures need EU ships to fly around in.

Well, doing entirely new EU ships is a challenge because of the tooling, so we probably will not be going there while there are still good screen-accurate vehicles or key re-paints to do. It's a better possibility for the Titanium series.


17 November 2006

Sins of thy Father

I've just bought the TPB Empire Vol 6 : In the Shadows of their Fathers. Actually, I saw this collection last week but the title threw me off. I knew the cover was the one I'm looking for but the title was strangely different. And I was right. When I checked back my blogsite, I realised Dark Horse changed the title. Just see the difference below.

So my eyes didn't deceive me. The revised title sounds better since Luke doesn't really follow Vader's ways but had to live under the clouds of Vader's legacy.

Tell you all about this collection in another review later, after I finished reading this.


15 November 2006

2007 Titanium Wave 1!!

Updated!! : A few online shops have called this wave as the inaugural Wave 1 of 2007.

After weeks of newsless reporting on titaniums, some of the SW sites have announced Wave 16. And this one is all about new vehicles.

Of the 4, of course the Invisible Hand and the ATTE wins hands down. The dewback has a bad joined pieces which make the animal ... well, disjointed at the stomach and the tail. The Dagobah X-wing was another letdown. I would have expected extra lumps of metal to be the green slosh of the swamp but they just repainted those parts g
reen and brown... weak. But, I will still get it ... hehehehehe.

But the surprise vehicle, an addition because it was never shown or announced at the convention or anywhere else but now is the Royal Tie Interceptor. Coming from the devious and fertile minds of the Hasbro marketing team because this was never even an EU vehicle let alone part of the movie saga. And you know what, I've a feeling fans will clamour for this vehicle because the colour scheme really works. The marketing team really did their homework on this one. A repaint which everyone will like. Just take a look!


11 November 2006

I want my ...

I want my BSGs ... (sing it to the tune of Money for Nothing - Dire Straits)

These are the 2 ... err 3 or even 4 vehicles that I need to complete the BSG series. Call them re-paints or re-sculpts but I still want them.


09 November 2006

Galactica found!

On one of my infrequent visits across the Causeway, I found the Titanium series Battlestar Galactica mini.

I couldn't believe my luck! But I couldn't find the other 2 ships in this first wave, the Viper and the Cylon Raider. Drats!!! Oh well ... slowly these BSGs (Battlestar Galactica) series will be found and owned by me.

As of now, these are ones that has docked with me. 3 more to find, those 2 above and the Viper Classic.


05 November 2006

Cover art for NEG Alien Species

The cover art of The New Essential Guide to Alien Species reference book was announced recently through most SW fansites. It looks mighty good.

But I've learnt not to judge a book by its cover, case in point, The New Essential Guide to Droids... DUHHH!! I just hope this doesn't shtink like the droids reference book which I bought not too long ago.


02 November 2006

New Titaniums

Man, I got quite worried that TFH had not informed me or missed me out completely of the arrival of the 4 loose titaniums that I had placed on reserved. A quick email yesterday night and Roy came back with a reply that they were in already. Yeeehah!!

And these are the spoils of the 2 weeks wait. NICE!!!

I liked the quality of the vehicles even though they were loose as in not vacuumed pack in a bubble pack. To me, they are nice enough to display the way I display them.

Of the lot, I really loved Anakin’s CW jedi fighter. Grevious' fighter looks great too. Now to find Leia on a speeder to complete the speeder bike vehicles.
