Its the Endgame for Jedi
I was just walking around Kino today, not even thinking of buying anything Star Wars. I didn't realise that Endgame TPB was out already. ![]() Labels: I read |
I was just walking around Kino today, not even thinking of buying anything Star Wars. I didn't realise that Endgame TPB was out already. ![]() Labels: I read |
I've made my decision ... I'm not buying these 2 X-Wing Omnibus. ![]() Labels: I read |
After an internal struggle to NOT pay above retail for ULTRAs, I've succumbed to the inevitable. The constant tug of any collector; do I wait longer to pay retail or pay more to get it now? After 2 months of wait, this collector can't wait any longer. I bought the Millennium Falcon and Vader's Tie Advance from a toy collector's shop. I actually made these purchase last week, but I just couldn't find the time to take these snapshots. ![]() ![]() But I can't release them from their packaging yet because I lack a plastic plate which I use to raise ultras higher in my display cabinet. Oh well, I'm just happy I bought these babies! Labels: My Titaniums |
A new titanium wave has just been announced, but I'm not too crazy about these. Just look! ![]() ![]() ![]() Labels: Coming waves |
Now, back to our regular programming. This entry will focus on repaints of previously issued vehicles. ![]() b: In the tradition of Hasbro idiocracy, we now have a BLACK jedi starfighter. Guess who's ship this belongs to? Yup, Anakin Skywalker when he turned SITH. So now, Anakin has 3 starfighter under his belt, a yellow, green and black starfighter. Duhhh! He is the main character of the Star Wars saga. c: Same reasons as above, Hasbro has thrown mud packs on all vehicles that were shown on planets with swamp/ground. Gentle beings, I give you a swampspeeder with mud. d: Errr ... An Xwing with mud? From Dagobah, this one comes. e: Since I couldn't view any close up of the paint scheme, I would say this is a BLACK gunship. Maybe Anakin used one somewhere? Labels: Coming waves |
I have one more article on the SDCC but I have to interject here because I've just seen this wonderful video and it is AWESOME!! It's not a real game but the scenes are just deliciously DARK, ... as in SITH kind of dark. Just watch. Labels: TV/Movie |
The last 3 NEW moulds of the Titanium series are as follows. The last ship shown on the right was from this year's stock, that is Jango Fett's Slave 1. ![]() No. 12 : Amidala's Naboo starskiff was used to transport her from Coruscant to Mustafar in ROTS. No. 13 : All time favourite is the this CR90 corvette or better known as Tantive IV. It was as a rebel blockade runner in ANH. Previously, it was a consular ship used by Senator Bail Organa in the days of the Old Republic. Labels: Coming waves |
The next 3 Titanium vehicles are as follows; ![]() No. 9 : This is an AT-TE. A distant cousin twice removed from the AT-AT ... hahaha! AOTC is where you can find this juggernaut. No. 10 : This my friends, is General Grievous personal starfighter. A Mankvim-814. Hyperdrive-equipped and with a forward-mounted engines & rear-mounted fins, flanking this separatist commander is a task in itself. Labels: Coming waves |
The impressive lineup continues on with these 3 vehicles. The Y-wing on the left is a repaint of the previous line. ![]() No. 6 : A vehicle of the nature world. Dewbacks were used as transport between ports of Tatooine. This stormtrooper was last seen in the special edition of ANH. First animal vehicle in the titanium series. No. 7 : An awesome addition is the jedi starfighter with its hyperspace ring. This to me is a MUST get. Used by Obi-Wan in AOTC, the starfighter would detach itself from the ring. Labels: Coming waves |
Pictures of Hasbro's new titanium vehicles are out all over the SW sites. From Rebelscum, JediDefender to GalacticHunter, the photos of my favourite SW collectible toys were showcased. My jaw has not been able to close since I've seen what Hasbro has planned for this series. Drool is spilling out and I don't even care. Some are rehashes or repaints of previous waves, whilst a bulk of them are totally new vehicles. ![]() No. 2 : Anakin's Clone wars Jedi starfighter. Its not in AOTC nor ROTS. You can find this in the clone wars animated series. No. 3 : This is the Invisible Hand, the flagship of General Grievous. It's the starship which Anakin crashlanded into Coruscant. It appears in ROTS, the Battle of Coruscant. No.4 : Taken from a scene in ROTJ, we see an ewok (Paploo?) taking command of the speeder bike to create a distraction. From this group, the best would be Anakin's starfighter. A distant second would be the Hand, followed by the ewok and Naboo starfighter. Labels: Coming waves |
![]() What is it? As the official description goes, it is the largest gathering of comic book and pop culture fans and professionals in the world. Why am I talking about this? Only one thing, what new titanium vehicles will Hasbro come out in the near future. Labels: Coming waves |
One door closes, another door opens A day after being outbided, one of the specialty shops that I subscribe to announced that they were bringing in the tie interceptor in loose form. I was like, duhh!... ![]() ![]() ![]() 3 down ... a lot more to go Labels: My Titaniums |
Oh well, after 4 days of tracking this Yahoo auction, I was outbidded on the last day by someone else. No use breaking the bank for toys, yeah ... right. The auction was for the Tie Interceptor and the Falcon repaint but luck was not on my side, ... and the search continues. ![]() ![]() Labels: The Search |
Made my way to Kino today after reading news in the SW forums that the book is out already. Didn't find any copies there. Has it run out so fast over the weekend? Undaunted, I made a beeline to the nearby comics store at the same level, and saw one last copy still available. Grabbed it, paid it and unwrapped it. ![]() Labels: I read |
With the announcement of another battlepack "Mace Windu's Attack Battallion", I was absolutely relieved that I am not into collecting SW figures, any sizes. The way Hasbro has been churning these clones pack, I would be in the red 3 times over. That is if I can beat the other clone army collectors in getting them first. Why? Because these battlepacks run out as fast as the retail put them out. And before the scalpers and specialty shops raise their price to match the collectors frenzy level. I've came close to buying one of the sought after packs, "Hunt for Grievous" battlepacks. I had it in my hands for 30s ... Nahhh! Not going to do it. These fanatics of the clone army figures could easily spend a few hundred bucks just to have an army, passable to show-off. Me ... I rather find titaniums that cost half of that. Labels: Rants |
Mannn, ... the SW forum site which I frequent was invaded by hackers recently. The "shite" that these buggers left was a very disgusting photo which I will not describe here. This is the second time, I've seen hackers attacked a popular SW site, and I know it won't be the last. sighhhhh! Labels: Rants |
I was doing a bit of spring cleaning on my various Star Wars stuff recently. Dust seems to like my SW collection. I want to show off one of my prized SW possesion. Its a 40cm tall R2D2. ![]() Labels: Raves |
At last, I have in my hands the elusive exclusive wave 1 tie fighter. Why exclusive? Well, the very first wave of the Titanium series was never sold at retail in Singapore. Why elusive? Any copies that collectors want, they would have to probably purchased online, but is now out of stock on most stores. ![]() How I managed to get these? ... My best friend, who went visiting his relative in NY, bought them for me. So out of a list of 5, he only managed to get 2. Not bad, ... for a novice. But to me, the tie fighter itself would account for 2 or maybe 3 die-cast. Too bad he'd mistaken the tie bomber that I wanted with Darth Vader's tie fighter. Else, he would have made me the most appreciative friend he would ever have... hahhahah. Labels: My Titaniums |